Monday, May 26, 2014

Lions Rock

 How did the talk go? What did you talk about? Things here are good, we just finished going on this one hike to a mountain called lions rock. It was really fun. I'd send pics right now, but I forgot my adapter to connect my sd card:/ sorry. I guess next week. It was fun though. Not much else going on besides that. The weather is hot and humid, the humidity is usally more around 90% 

Dad sent an awesome picture for Memorial DayHow was Memorial Day? I kinda missed it a bit, it's ok though. 

 Elder Buss and Kwun Tong are doing good, I'm pushing him a bit more and being more mafaahn, so we'll see if he still likes me after this week;) Training makes me see how far I've come. It's fun to see people grow. 

Food: ate my first real mango. They taste super good.
For Pday: hikieng lions rock
Investigators: we'll see.
Color tie today: wearing normal clothes
Story: none right now
Pics: sorry

Random: Found an imagine dragons shirt, bought it like a boss. I;m actually wearing it right now.

 That's about it for this week, sorry i can't think of much to report. oh well. stuff is good. I love ya'lls and hope things go good for you this week.

Elder Osborne

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