Monday, June 30, 2014

Normal Day

 Turns out we're having p-day today and temple day is a normal day, but on wednesday, so that's cool. Had a good week this week, had a lot of cool little stuff happen. It woul be cool to go to Five-Alls post mission, but it'll probably be gone by time I'm back, but we'll see. You should show me a pic of the new table, I want to see what's changing around the house.

 Tell Lou happy birthday for me. Has she grown up at all, besides her height? What was the final testimony meeting like? What did they say? let me know how Ryan's home coming is, that would be cool. Also, do your best to find like every Hong Kong person in Utah, I want to talk to all of them.

Not much to report this week, let more know if there's anymore questions I can answer or anything. I love ya'lls and hope you have a good next week:)

Also, yes we do eat some crazy fruits and stuff, not super crazy though. The only huge difference is like lychee fruit, more mangoes, dragon fruit, lots of melon stuff. Nothing terribly special.
Wearing: The gray tie we bought together at the mall
For Pday: relaxing, turns out temple day is this wednesday and we got this p-day too:)
Moves: not till like the end of august
Investigators: got a super gold guy who just got back from being an exchange student in america, his name is Ivan. He's cool.
I am studying: characters and how to use the Book of Mormon more in missionary work.
I am feeling: pretty dang good.
Story: can't think of a crazy one right now, just super cool, small miracles happening left and right, like miracles getting in people's houses, getting people from the street into the church and having members miraculously there to help us teach. stuff like that,.
Pics: ok. th first one is all of elder staheli's stuff he's bringing back from china, let me know if there is anything special that you want so I can get it for you. the second is me having fun with elder staheli's chinese sword. We had a photo shoot at the end of one day last week.

Yeah that's about it,
Elder Osborne

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